About Singularity Weblog
Singularity Weblog started as a personal journal of Socrates’ thoughts on trends, news, issues, films and people related to the technological singularity. However, due to the active involvement of readers like you, it is evolving into a growing community of people interested in exploring and shaping our future.
The blog is not meant to provide definitive answers, but rather, to ask the right questions in an attempt to generate discussion, provoke thought and stir the imagination. It aims to spark a conversation about the impact of technology, exponential growth and artificial intelligence where everyone’s opinions and participation are greatly encouraged.
Here Socrates will not shy to provide his opinion but will place no claim on its superiority. His goal is to get others actively involved in the ever-evolving conversation about the future of humanity.
Socrates’ goal is to use this blog as a stage for a Singularity Symposium where everyone can join freely in questioning, analyzing, debating and shaping our technological future.
Thus, this blog’s value may be not so much in the answers it provides, but in the questions it raises — the kind that everybody could or should be asking.
In addition, this blog will also:
- Publish relevant articles by Socrates and his friends.
- Bring your attention to appropriate news stories, films, media and scientific developments.
- Let you know when people like yourself share other great content.
Welcome friend!
Together we can create a better future, better you!
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Who is Socrates?
Did you ever wish that you could quit your job and start doing what you love to do all the time and every day? Do you love learning? Do you wish that every day you could learn something new, interesting, meaningful and fun?
Well, this is more or less what Socrates of Athens did more than 2,000 years ago.
This is also what this modern day Socrates decided to do when starting www.SingularitySymposium.com and www.SingularityWeblog.com
I finished my MA degree, stopped sending out resumes and decided to focus on learning the tools a contemporary Socrates could use to follow his calling: web design and blogging.
I am Nikola and this blog documents my journey to discover who I am as a being, who we are as a species and most of all how does technology change the meaning of both the above questions and answers.
So who am I? Here is a brief bio:
Nikola Danaylov at Vatican City with Homer’s marble bust
Philosopher, singularitarian, infopreneur and a fellow party animal Nikola Danaylov was born in Bulgaria.
In 1998 Nikola moved to Canada where he completed an HBA in Political Science, Philosophy and Economics at the University of Toronto plus an MA in Political Science at York University.
It was at York University that Nikola got deeply interested in the Technological Singularity and wrote a research paper titled "Hacking Destiny: Critical Security at the Intersection of Human and Machine Intelligence."
Presently Nikola resides in Toronto, Canada with his beloved wife Julie.
You can send Nikola an email by going to the contact page.
You can also subscribe to Singularity Weblog in the form on the right via Email, RSS, Facebook and Twitter or join Nikola on Facebook and LinkedIn.
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