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Will the God of biomechanics be angry if we hedge our bets?Pascal’s famous wager was a brilliant piece of work not from the narrow sense of taking it as a literal choice, but because it provided such a marvelous Continue reading "Will the God of biomechanics be angry if we hedge our bets?" Political headwinds, undercurrents, and spheres of influenceThe political battles over which areas of research the various governments of planet Earth will allow its citizenry to freely pursue, and the degrees Continue reading "Political headwinds, undercurrents, and spheres of influence" Correction to final square: 2^63 not 2^64 grains of riceOn the first square there is one grain of rice which is 2 to the power 0, not 2 to the power 1. So the number of grains on any nth square 2 to the power Continue reading "Correction to final square: 2^63 not 2^64 grains of rice" Synaptic SinfulnessIf you were to live 3 billion seconds (approx. 95 years) your synapses would total more than the grains of rice exponentially totaled on a chess board. The effect of A.I.Some scientists/Philosophers declare,that Artificial Intelligence wil be created within thirty years. I am convinced, that A I will be the end of humanity. Standard growth modelThe standard growth model I learned in Differential equations was for a given population dp/dt=a(1)p+a(2)p*p+a(3)p^3+a(n)p^n Usually the first two Viral NanobotsSynthetic Viral Synthesis Step I:Custom Oligonucleotide Synthesis Materials •Commerical Nucleic Acid Synthesizer •Solution of the four DNA phosphoramidite The Role of Black People in the Future.Whenever these issues of the possible future facing humanity are discussed, analysed and concluded, the individuals who are primarily, and automatically The End of Humanitythe unwavering fact that I was awakened and existed during this great age of discovery is what sometimes keeps me up at night... Enough matter coalesced The future will be more of the sameWhile we already have these improved features now,nothing but to add more cosmetic effects to today's world, the above content is hardly newsworthy.The Internet consciousness.The patterns of social masses reflects the personality of the world wide web; or national, local community, friend and family circles,...correct? Given Cryonics - a thought provoking documentary by AlcorWant to find out what is cryonics? Come watch Alcor's short documentary here... Continue reading "Cryonics - a thought provoking documentary by Alcor" herWhere is the line between human and non-human? What sets us apart? As technology advances—in particular in the areas of artificial intelligence and emotional Quantum brain reflected in the existential lifeMax Moore is a realistic interpreter of the Singularity theory. Simply put, it is the common sense and the human need to improve itself or perish slowly Continue reading "Quantum brain reflected in the existential life " The Two Fundamental Problems of TranshumanismI have met on the net a lot of objections to Transhumanism, and many of them have their points. But none addressed to the fundament of Transhumanism, and Continue reading "The Two Fundamental Problems of Transhumanism" Technological singularities only exist in hindsight.When a technological singularity is recognized it will have been found by using 20/20 hindsight. If you look at how technology has progressed then you Continue reading "Technological singularities only exist in hindsight." What is Artificial Intelligence?What is Artificial Intelligence? There are as many views on Artificial Intelligence (AI) as there are on human intelligence, but the most popular is what Does TK, himself, prove his manifesto's thesis?What did our technology-driven industrialized culture do with the young TK? Exactly what such a culture does with any powerful tool it comes across: Continue reading "Does TK, himself, prove his manifesto's thesis?" Dirrogate Singularity — A Transhumanism JourneyCutting through genres, Memories With Maya touches on today's hard science focus: Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Transhumanism and Technological Continue reading "Dirrogate Singularity — A Transhumanism Journey" After Passing the T.Test, should Robots be allowed to vote?As a lefty I've been involved in fighting the US Supreme Court decision Citizens United. That decision said that corporations are people in the law, and Continue reading "After Passing the T.Test, should Robots be allowed to vote?" Transhumanism and the Technological SingularityTranshumanism is the belief that it is our technological destiny to go beyond the limits of biology. To find out more check this out... Continue reading "Transhumanism and the Technological Singularity" Singularity PodcastSingularity podcast is a series of 1 on 1 interviews debating the technological singularity. Symphony of ScienceCheck out these YouTube videos from the Symphony of Science series. They are not only funny and informative but also contain a variety of amazing footage on the universe. Artificial Intelligence and the Technological SingularityThe invention of Artificial Intelligence will be the most compelling evidence that the Technological Singularity is near. To find out what is AI and how to evaluate it check this out... Continue reading "Artificial Intelligence and the Technological Singularity" Best Singularity YouTube videosSeen any good Singularity YouTube Videos? Check these out! Why not submit your own favorites? Do you want to live forever (a documentary by Christopher Sykes)Do you want to live forever? is Christopher Syke's documentary about Aubrey de Grey's quest to defeat aging. Come watch the film here. Continue reading "Do you want to live forever (a documentary by Christopher Sykes)" Evolution of Technology YouTube VideosWant to see the best YouTube videos on the Evolution of Technology? Check out these videos and post your own suggestions. the Singularity is Near MovieWant to find out what the Technological Singularity is? Watch the Singularity is Near documentary film by Ray Kurzweil but first check out our review here. Vernor Vinge and the Technological SingularityTo find out who is Vernor Vinge and how he is related to the Technological Singularity check this out... Continue reading "Vernor Vinge and the Technological Singularity" Ray Kurzweil and the Technological SingularityTo find out who is Ray Kurzweil and how he is related to the Technological Singularity check this out... Continue reading "Ray Kurzweil and the Technological Singularity" Best Singularity LinksDo you know any singularity links to interesting Web Sites? Check these out! Why not sumbit your own favorites? Exponential Growth in an Indian Rice Chess LegendWant to know how powerful exponential growth is? Come and read the ancient Indian legend about the origins of Paal Paysam... Continue reading "Exponential Growth in an Indian Rice Chess Legend" Gordon Moores Law of Exponential Growth and the SingularityTo find out what is Moores Law, how it is related to the Singularity and to watch videos with Gordon Moore check this out... Continue reading "Gordon Moores Law of Exponential Growth and the Singularity" Top Five Singularity ConcernsIt can't continue forever. The nature of exponentials is that you push them out and eventually disaster happens. - Gordon Moore Although we are generally Stuxnet: The Next GenerationA new and bizarre twist in warfare ,an AI race, that could result in planet-wide destruction has invaded cyberspace. The Pentagon and Israel developed Singularity Documentary: 2057Want to find out what the future will look like in 2057? Check out this amazing singularity documentary to find out. Best Singularity BooksRead any good singularity books? Check these out! Why not sumbit your own favorites? Ted Kaczynski and the Technological SingularityHow was Ted Kaczynski, aka the Unabomber, related to the Technological Singularity? To find out check this out... Continue reading "Ted Kaczynski and the Technological Singularity" [link] Orions Arm: the online collaborative transhuman space opera (nonprofit organization)Orion's Arm is a work in progress, a space opera setting like no other. It spans the next ten thousand years of galactic history, from the near future Transhumanist NeuromancerThis video certainly clarifies the conflict. That's a lofty (yet possible) definition for the Singularity/H2. The hockey stick on the event horizon has Human v2.0: Making GodsWant to find out what Human v2.0: Making Gods is all about? Check out this amazing BBC documentary right here... The Roots of the MatrixWant to see the 2 documentaries about the Roots of the Matrix? Come watch them both on www.SingularitySymposium.com Good, Bad, WeirdThe Singularity, as defined above, is an unknown unknown. That means this whole thing is a random event. In the future there is a point, which statistically http://HomoEvolutis.infoWHAT is the UNIVERSAL answer to any problem in the FUTURE? I would start to answer from my empirical point of view – I don’t have a clue how am I going NanotopiaWant to see a classic documentary about Eric Drexler's vision of the future? Check out Nanotopia. Imitating a HumanI think that computers will never be able to have artificial intelligence similar or better than a human. Since humans wrote the ai all the coputer can Eliezer YudkowskyEliezer Yudkowsky is co-founder of the Singularity Institute and a key researcher in the field of AI ethics. At the age of sixteen, Yudkowsky first read |
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