Quantum 2 Cosmos

Here you will find some of the best and most interesting videos from the Quantum 2 Cosmos: Ideas for the Future festival discussing issues such as robotics and artificial intelligence, genetics and evolution, science, technology and space exploration.

The Agenda with Steve Paikin: Robotics Revolution and the Future of Evolution

How will robotics change us and our lives? Will AI driven robots put us on and accelerated evolutionary path? Why would we want a more heavily robotized society? Do we have choice in the matter?

The Agenda with Steve Paikin: Whose DNA is it?

Are we ready to come face to face with our innermost genetic secrets? Will this knowledge help us make wise choices? Can we trust ourselves and others with safeguarding this most potent knowledge?

The Agenda with Steve Paikin: Do We Still Believe in Science?

From the Enlightenment onward, science gained our trust and we followed its logic readily. But in an increasingly complex and skeptical world, will advancements in genetics, Artificial Intelligence, and countless other endeavours keep us believing, or will we lose the taste for a life shaped by science and technology?

The Agenda with Steve Paikin: Wired 24/7?

In our lifetime we have seen a broad transformation in the way we interact with technology in our daily lives. And further developments in technology promise a continued impact. Are we comfortable living in a world that never shuts off? How has this technology affected us, our thinking, our relationships and the way our work works? Is technological progress always for the better?

The Agenda with Steve Paikin: Are We Bound for Space?

Commitment to space travel has ebbed and flowed. Physicist Stephen Hawking believes the way to ensure human survival is to continue space exploration. Critics of space travel argue that Planet Earth is in dire need of our attention and resources right now. Is there a trade-off between going to space and fighting climate change, overpopulation and other earthly concerns?

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