Next World Series

The Next World series from the Discovery Channel is a 7 part documentary which reveals the technologies that will shape our future.

Episode 1: Future Life on Earth

Learn about the technologies that will usher in a whole new way of life: we will live in floating cities, fly to work and travel in cars capable of operating underwater. And, with new technologies, humanity will find new ways of protecting and conserving resources to meet the needs of a growing population by using renewable sources of water, food and electricity. The era of smog-filled skies will be over, because fewer of us will be driving cars. Where we're going, we won't need roads. We'll be piloting environmentally friendly personal vehicles between cities and under the seas. And the good news is we'll never be lost, thanks to new advances in GPS-driven virtual mapping. Then again, with the ability to teleport our presence anywhere on Earth, we might not have to travel at all. And, best of all, we'll all have more time to enjoy the astounding advances of our near future, because we'll all be living longer. A lot longer.

Episode 2: Future Intelligence

Catch a first-time glimpse at smart technology that will put android helpers in the home, network commuters and entire cities to the Web, and bring us entertainment systems that can virtually make dreams come true. Advances in artificial intelligence are creating machines with near human-like mental agility. Intelligence will be embedded everywhere -- even in our clothing, thanks to smaller, more powerful computers.

Watch Episode 3: Future Cars

Watch Episode 4: Extreme Tomorrow

Watch Episode 5: Future Flight

Watch Episode 6: Future Ships

Watch Episode 7: Future Metro

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