What is Transhumanism?

Put simply Transhumanism is the belief that technology can allow us to improve, enhance and overcome the limits of our biology. More specifically, transhumanists such as Max More, Natasha Vita-More and Ray Kurzweil believe that by merging man and machine via biotechnology, molecular nanotechnologies, and artificial intelligence, one day science will yield humans that have increased cognitive abilities, are physically stronger, emotionally more stable and have indefinite life-spans. This path, they say, will eventually lead to "posthuman" intelligent (augmented) beings far superior to man - a near embodiment of god.

Transhumanism 101 with Natasha Vita-More

Transhumanism is both misunderstood and feared. Ignorant people with an ideological agenda have gone as far as labeling it "the most dangerous idea." I thought that it is time to bring some basic intellectual clarity on the topic and who is better prepared to help us do that but "the first female philosopher of transhumanism"!?

Some of the main issues here are:

Can humanity continue to survive and prosper by embracing technology or will technology eventually bring forth the end of the human race altogether?

Will humanity get polarized into neo-luddite technophobes (such as Samuel Butler and Ted Kaczynski) or transhumanist technophiles (such as Max More, Natasha Vita-More, Ray Kurzweil, Hans Moravec and Nick Bostrom)?

Does that mean that wide spread global conflict may be impossible to avoid?

Is transhumanism turning into a new "religion" for certain scientists? (with "prophets" such as Ray Kurzweil and Vernor Vinge) Or, is it a viable scientific hypothesis?

Who will be the dominant species?

What is the essence of being human?

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The Two Fundamental Problems of Transhumanism 
I have met on the net a lot of objections to Transhumanism, and many of them have their points. But none addressed to the fundament of Transhumanism, and …

The End of Humanity Not rated yet
the unwavering fact that I was awakened and existed during this great age of discovery is what sometimes keeps me up at night... Enough matter coalesced …

Quantum brain reflected in the existential life  Not rated yet
Max Moore is a realistic interpreter of the Singularity theory. Simply put, it is the common sense and the human need to improve itself or perish slowly …

Dirty Tech Not rated yet
I couldn't help to notice that one of the scientists that appeared in this video now works in China. Now that scares me.

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