Here you have 2 Blogs to choose from:

1st Choice: You can visit the Singularity Symposium mini-Blog web page.

The mini-Blog will keep you up-to-date with additions and changes to the website only.

You can subscribe to the mini-Blog RSS feed in your upper right hand corner.

2nd Choice: If you want to follow Socrates' Blog please visit his dedicated Singularity Blog page or subscribe to its RSS feed in the box below.

Singularity Blog

The dedicated Singularity Blog will focus on the question:

"Will technology replace biology?"

Singularity Blog will be a journal of Socrates' thoughts on news, issues and people related to the Technological Singularity. Consequently he will not shy to provide his personal opinion but will place no claim on its superiority.

Socrates' goal is to use his blog as a stage for a Singularity Symposium where everyone can join freely in questioning, analyzing, debating and shaping our technological future.

In addition, the Singularity Blog will also:

  • Publish other topical blog articles by Socrates
  • Bring your attention to relevant news stories and scientific developments
  • Let you know when people like yourself share great content

You can also choose to follow both our website and Socrates' Blog

Just subscribe to the Singularity Newsletter.

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