Singularity Club

Are you interested in discussing, debating and shaping the ways that technology, exponential growth and artificial intelligence impact our lives and future prospects?

Are you eager to share your thoughts about how humanity ought to adapt to radical technological change?

Are you interested in helping others understand the issues and the stakes surrounding the technological singularity?

Do you want to be a part of a new, growing and radical techno-movement?

Our goal is to set up a space where singularitarians, anti-singularitarians and techno-curious people may gather (either virtually or physically) to discuss the technological singularity.

We are looking for enthusiastic singularitarians to start up a Singularity Club in Toronto, Canada and chapters anywhere else in the world.

Singularitarians of the world unite!!!

If interested in joining or helping with your input, ideas, time, energy or enthusiasm, please send us an email via our contact page.

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Do you agree or disagree with the content of this page? Do you want to improve it? Do you want to post some great singularity content of your own? Why not share it here at Singularity Symposium?!

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