link Orions Arm: the online collaborative transhuman space opera (nonprofit organization)

Orion's Arm is a work in progress, a space opera setting like no other. It spans the next ten thousand years of galactic history, from the near future interplanetary colonization to the far future where the galaxy is ruled by vast ascended intelligences. It incorporates hard science, and the "soft" or social sciences, as well as the mythological, archetypal themes, as the gods of the collective psyche incarnate in unforseen new forms.

Orion's arm exists to inspire writers, artists and thinkers. To create a vision of the future that is plausible at every level, internally consistent and abides by the accepted facts and theories in the physical, biological, and social sciences. We embrace speculative ideas like Drexlerian assemblers, mind uploading, posthuman intelligence, magnetic monopoles, wormholes and the technologies, and developments that will make all this possible.

To quote Arthur C. Clarke's Second Law:

The only way to explore the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.

Our task is to create an ever evolving universe that is interesting, inspiring and provocative - to theorize on a future that may, or may not, come to be.

Orions Arm: the online collaborative transhuman space opera (nonprofit organization)

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Ether Ship Space Opera
by: Willard Van De Bogart

I am interested in your collaborative space opera.
We are based in San Francisco and also have a spece opera where muscians from around the world can collaborate in concerts and story lines.
Please contact me so we can collaborate.

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