Michio Kaku: An Escape to a Parallel Universe

by Socrates on May 17, 2010

This is a very interesting video by BigThink.com.

Professor of theoretical physics Michio Kaku speculates that our universe may end in a “big freeze.” What is unique about Prof. Kaku’s take on the Big End, however, is his belief that the end of the universe need not be the end of intelligence because we might be able to slip into a parallel universe “in the same way that Alice entered the looking glass to enter Wonderland.”


So, was Lewis Carroll a theoretical physicist?

Or, is Michio Kaku a fantasy writer?

Well, whatever the case — I like them both!

And how about you?!

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  • tom

    No, Lewis Carroll was a pseudonym for Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, a mathematician at Oxford.

  • http://www.SingularitySymposium.com/ Socrates

    Thank you for your contribution Tom,

    What I meant to accomplish was raising the possibility that, as attested by Michio Kaku, Lewis Carrol (i.e. Charles Dodgson the author, mathematician, Anglican deacon and photographer) may have had some interesting insights into the nature of the cosmos and theoretical physics in general.

    Or the opposite — that maybe Michio Kaku, the theoretical physicists, could be also a fantasy writer?

  • http://www.howtoattractboys.com/why-are-men-attracted-to-breasts/ Elisha Rousseau

    This kind of stuff is obviously pretty far beyond human comprehension, and is completely speculative. With that said, I believe it could be possible based on what we know.

  • http://singularityblog.singularitysymposium.com/ Socrates

    Yes Elisha, but don’t you think that most scientific theories start as “theories” which is a nice way of saying “speculation.” Then, based on the evidence, we can decide if we can call it science or not. Furthermore, there is a wide spectrum encompassing the term “human comprehension.” Most people cannot comprehend basic calculus (let a lone Einstein’s theory of relativity) so it is kind of hard to judge what falls withing and without “human comprehension” since we have no clear benchmarks to situate it…

  • http://twitter.com/CMStewartWrite CMStewart

    Yes, the ideas of Kaku and Carroll may very well be meshed together in the realm of human understanding. A poignant reminder of the inevitability of a future anthropomorphically-based strong AI- like begets like?

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