This is an 18 minute mind-boggling, dead serious yet absolutely hilarious video of the presentation that Juan Enriquez did at TED in 2009. Juan talks about what he calls Homo Evolutis: “hominids that take direct and deliberate control of over the evolution of their species… and others.” Furthermore, Enriquez argues that the arrival of Homo Evolutis is the result of 3 on-going convergent trends that will likely bring about the ultimate reboot in the history of the universe. Those trends are: 1. the ability to engineer cells 2. the ability to engineer tissues 3. the ability to engineer robots Juan Enriquez’ bio profile at TED: ” A broad thinker who studies the intersection of science, business and society, Juan Enriquez has a talent for bridging disciplines to build a coherent look ahead. Enriquez was the founding director of the Harvard [...]