Kevin Kelly

Kevin Kelly On Singularity 1 on 1: Technology Doesn’t Want A Singularity

by Socrates

Today’s edition of Singularity 1 on 1 features prominent author, maverick technologist and regular TED speaker Kevin Kelly. Kevin just published a new book called What Technology Wants. Seth Godin blogged about it and called it The Book Of The Year because in Seth’s opinion “if there’s justice it will win the Pulitzer prize.” Steven Johnson called it the anti-Unabomber manifesto. After such endorsements I could not help it but buy and read the book myself. Having done so I have to say that I agree with both of the above ratings. In my opinion What Technology Wants is perhaps the most optimistic, coherent, beautiful and poetic defense of technology. It provides unique depth and breadth of its techno-analysis together with an altogether new theory of the evolution and interplay of both technology and biology (and Homo Sapiens). (In some [...]

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Kevin Kelly At TED: What Technology Wants

by Socrates

Kevin Kelly just published a new book called What Technology Wants. I have been planning to buy it ever since I heard he was writing another book but after Seth Godin called it The Book Of The Year and said that “if there’s justice it will win the Pulitzer prize,” I just couldn’t wait and ordered it online. In the meantime, I decided to watch and post some of the most interesting TED videos that Kelly did during the last several years. The 3 videos bellow were shot in 2 year intervals (from 2006 to 2010) and represent a chronological progression of Kevin’s quest to answer the titular question of his book. I recommend you watch them in order or, if you really don’t have the time, skip to the very last one. Kevin Kelly’s Profile on TED: Perhaps there [...]

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