Ben Goertzel on Singularity 1 on 1: The Future Is Ours To Create

by Socrates on October 26, 2010

Today my guest on Singularity 1 on 1 is Ben Goertzel. During our 40 min conversation we cover a wide range of topics such as: Ben’s original interest in time travel and science fiction; his decision to start working on artificial general intelligence and his views on the potential time-line thereof together with his evaluation of the software vs hardware requirements for building it; scientific funding for AI research in both the USA and China; the technological singularity and our chances of surviving it. (You can listen to or download the audio file above or you can scroll down and watch the full video of the interview below.)

As attested by his short bio below, Ben is a brilliant AI scientist with an incredibly wide spectrum of interests and talents. Even more, I can’t help it but mention that he is also a truly nice guy because due to some technical difficulties he was willing to patiently reschedule our interview twice before we finally managed to get it right. Given the number of other things that Ben is juggling within his busy schedule, it would have been only natural for him to cancel. Yet he patiently persisted and I am very grateful for and appreciative of his time.

Who is Ben Goertzel

Dr. Ben Goertzel is CEO of AI software company Novamente LLC and bioinformatics company Biomind LLC; Chief Technology Officer of biopharma firm Genescient Corp.; leader of the open-source OpenCog AI software project;  Chairman of Humanity+; Advisor to the Singularity University and Singularity Institute; Research Professor in the Fujian Key Lab for Brain-Like Intelligent Systems at Xiamen University, China; and general Chair of the Artificial General Intelligence conference series.

His research work encompasses artificial general intelligence, natural language processing, cognitive science, data mining, machine learning, computational finance, bioinformatics, virtual worlds and gaming and other areas. He has published a dozen scientific books, nearly 90 technical papers, and numerous journalistic articles.  Before entering the software industry he served as a university faculty in several departments of mathematics, computer science and cognitive science, in the US, Australia and New Zealand.  He has three children and too many pets, and in his spare time enjoys creating avant-garde fiction and music, and the outdoors. For more see

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  • Tweets that mention Ben Goertzel on Singularity 1 on 1 —

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ben Goertzel and Gouki, Jason William Davis. Jason William Davis said: RT @bengoertzel: My interview today with Singularity Weblog: #fb [...]

  • CMStewart

    I was a bit surprised to not hear “sentience” or “self-awareness” mentioned in relation to AGI. I had assumed AGI- as popularly defined- included some form of consciousness.

    Goertzel’s report on the pursuit of AGI in China presents a double-edged sword. Academic freedom could produce AGI, but a paranoid government could claim and manipulate a successful AGI project IMO. The potential consequences of that would be devastating.

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