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Singularity 1 on 1 is a series of podcast interviews with the best scientists, writers, entrepreneurs, film-makers, journalists, philosophers and artists, debating the technological singularity.

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Singularity University Lectures: Dr. Alex Jadad on Making Longer Life Worth Living

by Socrates
Thumbnail image for Singularity University Lectures: Dr. Alex Jadad on Making Longer Life Worth Living

A couple of weeks ago we had the incredible pleasure of having Dr. Alex Jadad at Singularity University. Dr. Jadad spoke on Making Longer Life Worth Living and I have to admit that it was perhaps the most moving lecture that we have had so far. Furthermore, as attested by the standing ovation at the end of his presentation, it seems that all of us felt the same way. Alex pulled no punches and did not fail to shock and awe his audience with all kinds of profoundly philosophical, personal and emotional questions. However, the main point of his presentation was a simple yet crucial question aimed at alleviating human suffering that sits at the heart of his work: “We are putting more years into out lives, but how can we put more life into our years?” Hope you enjoy it [...]

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Singularity University Lectures: Science Searches for ET by Seth Shostak

by Socrates
Thumbnail image for Singularity University Lectures: Science Searches for ET by Seth Shostak

Last week Seth Shostak came to speak to Singularity University on how Science Searches for ET. I have to say that Seth’s presentation was not only the funniest but also one of the most interesting ones that we have had so far.  It is for this reason that I asked him to let me post his lecture on singularity podcast and he not only agreed but even supplied copies of his presentation slides. Hope you enjoy it and find it as funny as I did. Seth’s Slide Presenation Who is Seth Shostak? Seth is the Senior Astronomer at the SETI Institute, in Mountain View, California. He has an undergraduate degree in physics from Princeton University, and a doctorate in astronomy from the California Institute of Technology. For much of his career, Seth conducted radio astronomy research on galaxies, and has published approximately sixty papers in [...]

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Singularity University Lectures: Mark Jacobson on Powering the World with Wind, Water and Sunlight

by Socrates
Thumbnail image for Singularity University Lectures: Mark Jacobson on Powering the World with Wind, Water and Sunlight

Last Friday Mark Jacobson came to speak to Singularity University on Powering the World with Wind, Water and Sun. I have to admit that even though his presentation was very technical I enjoyed it immensely. The reason is not only the topic itself but the fact that in the space of an hour Mark managed to make such a powerful argument about the importance and feasibility of wind, water and solar power that he completely changed my views on the rationale behind and necessity of nuclear energy. It is for this reason that I asked Prof. Jacobson to let me post his lecture on singularity podcast and he not only agreed but even supplied copies of his presentation slides. Here are Mark`s slides as a .pdf file in 2 parts: Mark Jacobson - Powering the World Part 1 Mark Jacobson - [...]

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Singularity University Lectures: Astro Teller on Innovation

by Socrates
Thumbnail image for Singularity University Lectures: Astro Teller on Innovation

Many of you have asked me to post my lectures and, on those rare occasions that I can, I do so with pleasure. Last week we had Astro Teller‘s lecture on Innovation and so far it is one of my top five most favorite lectures here at Singularity University. Special thanks to both Astro and Singularity University who agreed to let me publish the class in full for it is indeed simply the best lecture on innovation that I have ever heard. Enjoy! Who is Astro Teller? Dr. Astro Teller is currently Director of New Projects for Google, working to help the company explore new potential business areas. Astro is also co-founder and a current Director of Cerebellum Capital, Inc, a hedge fund management firm whose investments are continuously designed, executed, and improved by a software system based on techniques [...]

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Peter Diamandis on Singularity 1 on 1: Singularity University is Star Fleet Academy for the World’s Biggest Challenges

by Socrates
Thumbnail image for Peter Diamandis on Singularity 1 on 1: Singularity University is Star Fleet Academy for the World’s Biggest Challenges

Last week I was privileged to get a 30 min interview with Peter Diamandis for Singularity 1 on 1. (As always you can listen to or download the audio file above or scroll down and watch the video interview in full.) Peter is not a very tall man but I have to say that he has the energy of a giant because interviewing him is like plugging into a nuclear power plant - afterwords I felt as if I got 10 gigawatts worth of energy straight into my batteries. During our conversation we discuss issues such as: his personal background and early childhood dream to become an asteroid space-miner; his motivation, goals and aspirations for Singularity University; his personal 10^9 project (aimed at positively impacting the lives of a billion people within 10 years); the book on abundance that he [...]

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Charlie Stross on Singularity 1 on 1: The World is Complicated. Elegant Narratives Explaining Everything Are Wrong!

by Socrates

Today my guest on Singularity 1 on 1 is award winning science fiction author Charles Stross. It was his seminal singularity book Accelerando that not only won the 2006 Locus Award (in addition to being a finalist for the John W. Campbell Memorial Award and on the final ballot for the Hugo Award) but was also at least in part responsible for my launching of SingularitySymposium.com and SingularityWeblog.com. During my conversation with Charlie we discuss issues such as: his early interest in and love for science fiction; his work as a “code monkey” for a start up company during the first dot com boom of the late nineties and the resulting short sci fi story Lobsters (which eventually turned into Accelerando); his upcoming book Rule 34; his take on the human condition, brain uploading, the technological singularity and our chances [...]

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Jaron Lanier on Singularity 1 on 1: The Singularity Is A Religion for Geeks

by Socrates
Thumbnail image for Jaron Lanier on Singularity 1 on 1: The Singularity Is A Religion for Geeks

Today my guest on Singularity 1 on 1 is Jaron Lanier. Jaron lives in Berkeley, California and, like John Horgan, is one of the better known critics of both Ray Kurzweil and the technological singularity. Unlike many other critics, however, Lanier is neither a technophobe nor a Luddite. In fact, he is known as the father of virtual reality technology. In addition, Jaron has worked on the interface between computer science and medicine, physics, and neuro-science. Most recently he is the author of a manifesto titled You Are Not a Gadget. I thought of asking Jaron for an interview right after I watched a couple of YouTube videos where he argues that the Singularity is a new religion for geeks. Though I certainly disagree with this claim of his, I still think that his book is a great read with [...]

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R.U. Sirius on Singularity 1 on 1: Question the Authority of Your Brain

by Socrates
Thumbnail image for R.U. Sirius on Singularity 1 on 1: Question the Authority of Your Brain

Today my guest on Singularity 1 on 1 is digital culture and cyberpunk icon R.U. Sirius. (As always you can listen to or download the audio file above or scroll down and watch the video interview in full.) During our conversation we discuss issues such as: R.U.’s early life and Yippie years; his multiple identities and personal motivation; his views on cyberpunk, counter-culture, psychedelic drugs, transhumanism and the technological singularity; the importance of questioning everything, and especially The Authority of Your Brain. Who is R.U. Sirius? R.U. Sirius (born Ken Goffman) is a writer, editor and digital culture iconoclast. He was Editor-in-chief of Mondo 2000, the popular and influential cyberpunk magazine of the early 1990s. More recently, he was Editor-in-chief of the transhumanist magazine H+. In addition, R.U. Sirius is the author or coauthor of numerous books including A User’s [...]

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