Robotic Self-Assembling Furniture

by Socrates on October 29, 2010

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It is still in the early stages but smart, self-assembling robotic furniture, with adaptive functionally adjusting to your specific needs of the hour, may be out of the lab and into office buildings and houses within a decade or so.

Check out today’s Reuters News video pick about a laboratory in Switzerland developing modular, self-assembling furniture for use in offices. The scientists behind the concept say that it is like robotic Lego for furniture.  (Original Reuters News report by Jim Drury).

Another similar case of smart self-assembling robotic furniture that is a work in progress is the self-healing robotic chair below.

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    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Desana Health Centre, Sam Parry, Sam Parry, Dr. MSalim Ismail MD, Nikola Danaylov and others. Nikola Danaylov said: Robotic self-assembling furniture of the future via @singularityblog [...]

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