Aubrey de Grey’s Singularity Podcast: Longevity Escape Velocity May Be Closer Than We Think

by Socrates on September 25, 2010

Last week I had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Aubrey de Grey. He is a world famous and controversial author and theoretician in the field of gerontology and is currently serving as a chief science officer at the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) foundation.

During his interview for singularity podcast, Dr. de Grey shared his views on a wide spectrum of topics such as his concept of longevity escape velocity as well as aging, religion, artificial intelligence, the technological singularity, Ray Kurzweil, human uploading and others.

You can listen to or download the full interview above.

To find out more about Dr. Aubrey de Grey click here.

To see Christopher Syke’s full documentary about the controversial gerontologist watch Do You Want to Live Forever?

To find out more about the SENS foundation click the banner below.

So, do you want to live forever?

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    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Alejandro Sacristán, Nikola Danaylov. Nikola Danaylov said: Aubrey de Grey at Longevity Escape Velocity Maybe Closer Than We Think - via @singularityblog [...]

  • DrJohnty

    I think this is the first interview where Aubrey refers to the various other routes that may achieve the vital goal of radical life extension. Personally I am very confident that the SENS project will come to fruition and that Aubrey de Grey is very much on the right track. The compelling piece of proof to support Aubrey’s theory as I outlined earlier is that our risk of dying doubles every 7 years, for example your risk of death from disease at 21 is double what it was at 14 and at 28 double what it was at 21. Although this doubling every seven years does not become a major problem until you reach say 40 because it starts off at such a low level the growth is exponential meaning it accelerates rapidly with age. What is abundantly clear is that the only likely cause for this increasing risk of mortality is the accumulation of junk in the body and the genetic damage to our DNA which builds up over time. Aubrey’s theory that if we intervened and removed some of the damage we would make a person biologically younger certainly makes sense. The vital thing is that If it were to turn out that the Aubrey de Grey theory was wrong (or partially wrong) or that we had overlooked something vital then great promise is still beckoning as he acknowledged via breakthroughs in biotechnology and nanotechnology. I am confident that the biotec revolution will yield significant increases in lifespan regardless, the key factor is that Aubrey’s role is vital because he is the catalyst that is driving things forward and encouraging people in unrelated fields to work together. The thing that never fails to amaze me is his focus and determination to succeed. Personally I feel that if anyone can pull the research together from all these unrelated fields and end up saving 100,000 lives per day it is Aubrey de Grey.

  • DrJohnty

    I just made a posting and forgot to mention that although I cover the issue of if Aubrey de Grey is wrong on my site at I also cover the reason I am very confident we will succeed in conquering aging based on a timeline at it is pretty self explanatory once you read it where we are heading and it is based on these trends that I am confident Aubrey is very much on the right track.

  • Socrates

    Thank you very much for your contribution Dr. Johnty!!!

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  • 1schwererziehbar1

    [..YouTube..] that’s a well-made interview. muchos gracias to singularity radio :)

  • JDSproducitons

    [..YouTube..] Thanks that was a great interview.

  • techn0scho0lbus

    [..YouTube..] He;s such a good speaker

  • spacemooseireland

    [..YouTube..] Its a very life changing moment when you might live more then 1000 yerars, it makes your life a lot more valuable and y ou are less likely to risk your life unnecessarally.

  • TheBrightPulse

    [..YouTube..] I hope these advancements continue! And please if you have facebook join my group ‘life extension should be an important priority’.

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  • UniversalLifeEnergy

    [..YouTube..] shave the facial foliage … this would radically rejuvenate you ..

  • payit4ward

    [..YouTube..] We really are an incredible species but it is time to start treating each other and our world better. Time to grow up.Billy…( Scotland )…a huge fan of the human species and life on Earth in general.

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