Aubrey de Grey

Aubrey de Grey on Singularity 1 on 1: Better Funding and Advocacy Can Defeat Aging

by Socrates
Thumbnail image for Aubrey de Grey on Singularity 1 on 1: Better Funding and Advocacy Can Defeat Aging

Last time I had Dr. Aubrey de Grey on Singularity 1 on 1 the interview turned out to be a hit. In fact it is still by far the most popular podcast that I have done and the audio file has been listened to or downloaded over 30,000 times. Given Aubrey’s popular appeal and the importance of his work, it is no surprise that I am very happy to have him back for a second interview. However, please have in mind that this interview is aiming to supplement and not replace the first one. Thus, this time around we cover some topics that we did not have time to go over the previous time, so if you haven’t heard the first podcast you may want to begin here. During this conversation I ask Dr. de Grey to discuss issues such [...]

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Aubrey de Grey’s Singularity Podcast: Longevity Escape Velocity May Be Closer Than We Think

by Socrates

Last week I had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Aubrey de Grey. He is a world famous and controversial author and theoretician in the field of gerontology and is currently serving as a chief science officer at the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) foundation. During his interview for singularity podcast, Dr. de Grey shared his views on a wide spectrum of topics such as his concept of longevity escape velocity as well as aging, religion, artificial intelligence, the technological singularity, Ray Kurzweil, human uploading and others. You can listen to or download the full interview above. To find out more about Dr. Aubrey de Grey click here. To see Christopher Syke’s full documentary about the controversial gerontologist watch Do You Want to Live Forever? To find out more about the SENS foundation click the banner below. So, do you [...]

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Aubrey de Grey at TEDMED

by Socrates
Thumbnail image for Aubrey de Grey at TEDMED

In this 20 min TEDMED video Aubrey de Grey explains why he believes that we can defeat aging and how this can be achieved. Enjoy! Related articles by Zemanta Aubrey de Grey: In Pursuit of Longevity ( Do you want to live forever? (the full documentary) ( To Age or Not to Age documentary ( Do you want to live forever? (

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Aubrey de Grey at the Minx Mandate

by Socrates
Thumbnail image for Aubrey de Grey at the Minx Mandate

Just in case you missed it — here is a funny interview with Aubrey de Grey at the Minx Mandate:

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To Age or Not to Age documentary

by Socrates

To Age or Not to Age documentary by Robert Kane Pappas will premiere in New York City on February 11, 2010. Short Synopsis Imagine a 120-year-old living like today’s 50 year-olds. Possible? Yes, according to the scientists in Robert Kane Pappas’ new film, To Age or Not to Age The scientists featured in To Age or Not to Age have found the means to postpone and possibly mitigate diseases tied to aging, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases, and diabetes. Genes that control aging, among them SIRT2/SIRT1 genes, when altered, may, as a side effect increase our lifespans. “People would age more slowly, stay younger longer, and remain free of disease for a longer time.” —Dr. Cynthia Kenyon While To Age or Not to Age profiles the science of aging, it also addresses some of the moral, religious, practical [...]

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Do you want to live forever? (the full documentary)

by Socrates

Here is the full documentary film directed by Christopher Sykes about the eccentric and radical gerontologist Dr. Aubrey de Grey and his quest for immortality: So, how about you? Do you want to live forever?

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Do you want to live forever?

by Socrates

Humanity has achieved huge progress in life-extending and anti-aging technologies. Just weeks ago the BBC reported that today half of the babies born in the advanced world are likely to live to 100. A quick comparative review shows us the following life expectancy change in years: Cro-Magnon Era: 18 years Ancient Egypt: 25 years 1400 Europe: 30 years 1800 Europe and USA: 37 years 1900 USA: 48 years 2002 United States: 78 years The trend is hard to miss: since our Cro-Magnon times we have managed to increase our longevity fivefold and in the last 100 years we have managed to double it. Both of those trends are important to note for they reveal that we are not only living longer but this change is happening at an accelerating pace. For example, it took tens of thousands of years to [...]

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