Andrew Keen: The Internet is Killing our Culture

by Socrates on April 8, 2010

In a recent blog post called Does Technology Make Us Smart or Stupid? I argued that it primarily depends on how technology is being used. My reasoning was that we cannot blame the end result on technology itself but on its application and, therefore, it is the user who has the ultimate responsibility for the end result.

A similar argument was expressed in an ABC News video interview called The Future of the Internet and Its Impact.

It is time to give the podium to the opposing view:

This is an interesting video of Andrew Keen from the Authors@Google series.

Keen is the controversial author of The Cult of the Amateur: How Today’s Internet is Killing our Culture and what is most interesting about this video is that, as Keen puts it himself, it was shot in the “belly of the beast” i.e. at Google’s Campus with almost everyone in the audience being a Google employee.

What do you think?

Is the internet killing our culture?

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