My Surprise Singularity Birthday Cake

by Socrates on June 8, 2011

Greetings friends,

As I return to regular posting schedule the first thing I wanted to share with you is that last Friday was my 35th birthday. I’ve been lapsing in a period of denial and some blogger’s burn-out and thus didn’t plan to celebrate the occasion, however, my wife Julie and the family on her side had a little backyard brunch surprise for me right after my late morning bike ride.

Few things can cheer one up better than lots of good food consumed in the company of good people, not to mention the presents, but the biggest, most pleasant surprise was the Singularity Weblog logo cake that Julie got custom made for me.

I want to thank my family for being so great but also want to thank you for reading Singularity Weblog. I would have preferred to be able to share a slice with each one of you, but since we are approaching 900 subscribers on the mail-list, I thought it more practical if I’d share some nice pictures instead.

Hope you enjoy them:

My Singularity Cake


I Still Can't Get Over It…

It Is All Her Fault

Me and Julie

Ready for a Cake Masacre?

Backyard Birthday Brunch with the Family

You can click on the pictures above to see a higher resolution image if you want.

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  • Julie Danaylov

    …and it was such a yummy cake! Fingers crossed that your birthday wish will come true :)

    Come on SU! 

  • CMStewart

    Wow, Happy B-Day, Nikola! Sorry I didn’t get you anything, but I didn’t know it was your birthday. ;) What a lovely family you have, thanks for sharing. Good luck with SU. I know they’ll take you sooner or later (hoping sooner). I’m always surprised when people are in denial over birthdays- I wouldn’t take back any of my years, and I hope to keep adding more! :) And I hope you do too.

  • Nikki Olson

    That looks so delicious! Happy Birthday Nikola! :)

  • Socrates

    Thanks everyone - I really appreciate your support and good wishes! Perhaps one day we can do a cool singularity weblog party with an even better cake ;-)

  • Hans Elde

    Very nice cake, and congratulations.  Happy late birthday!

  • Dan Vasii

    Happy Birthday, Nikola!! Great flavour, Singularity!!!!!

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