Singularity University Day 1: Meeting Ray and Peter

by Socrates on June 21, 2011

My very first day at Singularity University was as intense as it was amazing. I got to personally meet and shake hands with both Ray Kurzweil and Peter Diamandis.

Socrates and SingularityU co-founder Peter Diamandis

Our very full schedule started at 7:30 am with breakfast and went through program overviews and introductions, eventually culminating with a mind-blowing spirit-pumping opening ceremony at the San Francisco Computer History Museum. At the consequent wine-and-cheese cocktail party we got to mingle with other SingularityU alumni and dozens of Silicon Valley VIP’s.

Socrates with Ray Kurzweil

For those for whom that was not enough there was a Greek-turned-Brazilian dance party in the main student hall on campus which went on until the early hours of the morning.


A former student who took the program last year told me that after the end he went home and slept 14 hours per day for 2 weeks.

I have been on campus only 48 hours so far but it feels as if I have been here for at least a year.

Feel like drinking water from the fire-hose. Still, my body’s shouting: “SU, SU, SU, 10^9+! Give me more!!!”

P.S. Miss my wife terribly: Love you Julie!!!

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  • Julie Danaylov

    Wow! Pictures with Ray and Peter - so amazing!

    PS I miss you too Darling! Have an absolute blast!!! xoxo

  • Laura Walton

    I have to admit: part of me is so envious. On behalf of those of us who’d like to be there but aren’t: keep us posted…. 

  • Socrates

    You’ve got it Laura!
    I have been a little hesitant to do so because I didn’t create for that purpose. However, since I am fortunate enough to be at SingularityU and since I barely have time to sleep (about 6 hours per day at best) for the time that I will be here I will not be able to do research and post on other topics. In addition, there seems to be a substantial interest in what happens on SingularityU Campus and hence I have decided to document my time here with an online journal/blog as much as I can. Once I go through the program I will go back to normal posting of articles for…

  • dandan

    can you post a syllabus type of document if you have one?

  • Socrates

    Hi dandan, I will try and list all the classes I am taking each day but will also search for a way to post the full schedule I am going through…

  • CMStewart

    I, too, am very interested in your campus experiences. I’d love to see updates when you have a rare spare second. BUT, of course, your FIRST priority is to your own Singularity University experience, and making it the most it can be. Extract every potential molecule of value from your time as an SU student- you are in a rare and privileged position. :) Best of Luck!

  • Socrates

    Thank you Cynthia,
    I will do my best on both levels!

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