by Socrates
Last week I interviewed James Martin for my Singularity 1 on 1 podcast. Among many other things James spent decades at IBM and was among the key people who super-charged the company’s rise to dominance during the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s, and in the process changed the world. During our conversation James noted the vital importance of companies such as IBM, HP, Google and Microsoft, and stressed that it was firms like those (and not governments) that deserve credit for technological innovation and progress. Yesterday, as I watched Errol Morris‘ centennial documentary about IBM, I recalled Martin’s words about the pioneering work the company has done for the last 100 years. While the movie was most likely commissioned by IBM itself, and does not go over some of the few dark spots of the firm’s history, it does a fantastic [...]
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by Socrates
Mapping the entire human brain one neuron at a time, discovering its complete functionality and then simulating it in a virtual environment is one of the major benchmarks on the way to the singularity. If successful it will have wide ranging implications for a variety fields from medicine and supercomputing to neuroscience and artificial intelligence. I have previously posted some interesting videos of Henry Markram and his Blue Brain project. In this video Dharmendra Modha, manager of Cognitive Computing department at IBM and a principle investigator for a DARPA funded project called SyNAPSE, talks about his goal to build a brain-like computer which is both cheap and easy to make and, similarly to a human brain, has a very low energy consumption. Related articles by Zemanta Artificial Brains Are Imminent… Not! ( When Will We Be Able to Build Brains [...]
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