Kevin Warwick

Kevin Warwick on Singularity 1 on 1: Be/Come the Cy/Borg

by Socrates
Thumbnail image for Kevin Warwick on Singularity 1 on 1: Be/Come the Cy/Borg

This is my second interview with Prof. Kevin Warwick. Last time I had him on Singularity 1 on 1 - You Have to Take Risks to be Part of the Future, he shared his views on a wide variety of topics such as human and artificial intelligence, robotics, the technological singularity, God, the beginning of the universe and so on. This time around Kevin discusses issues such as: the difference between genius and madness; the magnetic implants and sensory-substitution-devices developed by his students (see picture gallery below); the recent problems surrounding his rat-brain-cell-robot project; the historical contribution, under-appreciated genius and tragic life of Alan Turing; the Turing Test; Watson - IBM’s amazing Jeopardy champion; and, finally, be/coming cy/borg. As always, you can listen to or download the audio above or watch the full video of the interview below. Most importantly [...]

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Kevin Warwick on Singularity Podcast: You Have To Take Risks To Be Part Of The Future

by Socrates
Thumbnail image for Kevin Warwick on Singularity Podcast: You Have To Take Risks To Be Part Of The Future

In today’s edition of Singularity Podcast I had the privilege of doing an hour long interview with the first cyborg — Prof. Kevin Warwick. I enjoyed talking to Prof. Warwick immensely and got him to share his views on a wide variety of topics such as human and artificial intelligence, robotics, the technological singularity, God, the beginning of the universe and so on. Also, during the interview Kevin Warwick threw a friendly challenge towards Ray Kurzweil by asking: “Why is it that Ray hasn’t experimented with implant technology yet?” Enjoy! Who is Kevin Warwick? Kevin Warwick is Professor of Cybernetics at the University of Reading, England, where he carries out research in artificial intelligence, control, robotics and cyborgs. As well as publishing over 500 research papers, Kevin’s experiments into implant technology led to him being featured as the cover story [...]

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Kevin Warwick: The First Cyborg

by Socrates
Thumbnail image for Kevin Warwick: The First Cyborg

This is another cool video of Kevin Warwick (aka the first cyborg). In 2002, under the heading Project Cyborg, a British scientist and university professor, Kevin Warwick, had an array of 100 electrodes fired into his nervous system in order to link it to the internet. Then he successfully carried out a series of experiments including extending his nervous system over the internet to control a robotic hand, a loudspeaker, amplifier and to communicate with his wife. That neural connection is a form of extended sensory input and the first direct electronic communication between the nervous systems of two humans. (For more watch the documentary Building Gods) Related articles by Zemanta Kevin Warwick’s Cyborg Experiments (

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Kevin Warwick’s Cyborg Experiments

by Socrates

Kevin Warwick is an internationally renowned Professor and researcher in the field of Cybernetics from the University of Reading, England. His work in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, human control functions, robotics and cybernetic organisms presented here shows how implant and electrode technology can be used to create biological brains for robots, to enable human enhancement and possible therapeutic effects for neurological illness. In any case, the end goal is human enhancement, or transhumanism, which inevitably stirs up many social, ethical and philosophical questions. From: Related articles by Zemanta Captain Cyborg Has A Virus-Infected Sidekick… But Nothing Can Stop A PR Campaign ( The Art of Transhumanism (

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Artificial Intelligence: Its Meaning and Its Future

by Socrates

Professors Noel Sharkey and Kevin Warwick discuss what AI is, and what it might become… Video: Artificial intelligence: Will machines ever out-think us? | Related articles by Zemanta the Rise of Robotic Artificial Intelligence ( Call for debate on killer robots ( Military killer robots ‘could endanger civilians’ (

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