by Socrates
The Robonaut is a robotic astronaut first developed about 10 years ago by DARPA and NASA with the goal of assisting human space exploration or, ultimately, conducting non-human space exploration altogether. Though the original version never actually made it into space it seems that version 2.0 is being developed by NASA and GM. The new Robonaut R2 is more dexterous, stronger, smarter, faster and more efficient. It is supposed to automate tasks that are dangerous, dull, repetitive or otherwise challenging for human astronauts. One such task, for example, is space walking which requires long and tedious pre- and post-space-walk procedures for all human astronauts. Robots can potentially cut out operation time, minimize risk and even improve the quality of the work carried out during the space-walk missions. the Original Robonaut Video the new R2 Humanoid Robonaut Video [...]
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by Socrates
The human-computer user interface has been one of the slowest to evolve and typewriter-style of keyboard and mouse controls are still the norm. The interface, however, is not going to be limited forever by the above combo, no matter how prevalent it may be today. We have already witnessed the introduction and growing success of touch-screen and voice-control devices becoming widely available to the public. Ultimately, the future of human-computer interface is one of direct brain-computer communication. For example, check out the following 3 videos to see a few recent projects from labs across the globe. A Canadian company is developing a pioneering thought control technology that will eventually allow us to control objects and move matter only with our mind. Check out the attached Reuters News video report by Jim Drury about the future of human-computer interface. Swiss researchers [...]
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