
A Better Future, Better You: What Is The Best Singularity Tagline?

September 19, 2010

Greetings Friends, It seems that I am finally getting some traction on the blog re-design and we may have a brand new and improved look and feel for Singularity Weblog within a couple of weeks. A big part of it all have been your thoughts, comments and other input from The Singularity Survey Contest so I want to thank you for your help. As promised before, the winner of the contest — Mito66@*******.**, will receive a hardcover copy of Ray Kurzweil‘s seminal book The Singularity is Near. Mito’s winning idea was his suggestion for the following Singularity Weblog tagline: A Better Future, Better You! I have been looking for a better slogan to replace my original, but rather obscure Will Technology Replace Biology? and think that we may have found a good one. Mito’s tagline is brilliantly short, clear, positive [...]

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The Singularity Survey Contest: Socrates’ 7 Questions For You

September 7, 2010

I want to make Singularity Weblog better. I want to create the blog that you want to read instead of the one that I can make alone. Will you be willing to answer 7 quick questions to help me? It is easy: Just tell me what you like and I will give you more. Tell me what you don’t like and I will stop doing it. All you need to do is answer the 7 questions below. The best tag line or survey entry will receive a free hardcover copy of Ray Kurzweil‘s seminal book the Singularity is Near which is sold for 74 dollars on I will also pay shipping and handling.

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