Remote Car Stopper by Eureka Aerospace

by Socrates on January 20, 2010

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Here is a video demo of a prototype for a remote car disabling or car stopping Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) device called HPEMS (High Powered Electro Magnetic System).

The device is currently being developed by Eureka Aerospace for the US Police, Airforce, Marine Core and other interested parties. It has the ability to stop cars within a 200 meter range and the goal is to make the prototype light enough so that it can be easily carried by a single soldier or police officer.

One of the major weaknesses of the device is that it will not be able stop vintage cars that lack an on-board computer or microprocessor. This means that, once the device is introduced, it will be vehicles built before the mid 1970s that will make the best get-away cars. ;-)

  • Julie

    One point for the authorities…Bank robbers beware!

  • Julie

    One point for the authorities…Bank robbers beware!

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