Posts tagged as:

future technology

The Kitchen of the Future Concept Video

by Socrates

This short 2 min video shows a concept for the kitchen of the future. As demonstrated, the future kitchen has no pots or pans or recipes — just an all-in-one cocking surface, acting also as a kitchen table or a bar. Its surface is totally malleable and can adjust itself to re-create any cookware as [...]

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Can you TRANSCEND biology and live long enough to live forever?

by Socrates

In 2004, Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman, MD, published Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever. Their groundbreaking book marshaled thousands of scientific studies to make the case that new developments in medicine and technology will allow us to radically extend our life expectancies and slow down the aging process. In 2009, Ray and [...]

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Regenerative Medicine on TEDMED

by Socrates

Dr. Anthony Atala from the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine in an amazing video demonstrating the promise of regenerative medicine in general and artificially grown organs, in particular. Here is the timeline description of the video as posted by Singularity Hub. 1:46 – Atala alerts the audience to the scope of the problems with [...]

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Remote Car Stopper by Eureka Aerospace

by Socrates

Here is a video demo of a prototype for a remote car disabling or car stopping Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) device called HPEMS (High Powered Electro Magnetic System). The device is currently being developed by Eureka Aerospace for the US Police, Airforce, Marine Core and other interested parties. It has the ability to stop cars [...]

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Artificial Intelligence: Its Meaning and Its Future

by Socrates

Professors Noel Sharkey and Kevin Warwick discuss what AI is, and what it might become… Video: Artificial intelligence: Will machines ever out-think us? | Related articles by Zemanta the Rise of Robotic Artificial Intelligence ( Call for debate on killer robots ( Military killer robots ‘could endanger civilians’ (

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Best of CES Awards

by Socrates

Many of you are following or even visiting the annual Consumer Electronics Show held each January in Las Vegas, Nevada. The CES show is considered to be the largest annual consumer electronics trade show in the world. Each year at the end of the show CNET presents the best CES product awards. Here is the [...]

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Smart Weapons for the 21st Century

by Socrates

Continuing on the topic of future military technology here is a CNN video report about the future of smart infantry weapon-systems. In the video below Col. Doug Tamilio takes CNN to the testing grounds for a first look at the Army’s newest infantry weapon. Can we foresee the impact of such “smart weapons”? (by “smart” [...]

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Dawn of the Kill-Bots: the Conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Arming of AI (part 5)

by Socrates

Part 5: The Future of (Military) AI — Singularity While being certainly dangerous for humans, especially the ones that are specifically targeted by the kill-bots, arming machines is not on its own a process that can threaten the reign of homo sapiens in general. What can though is the fact that it is occurring within [...]

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IBM: 5 Innovations that will Change Cities in the Next 5 Years

by Socrates

Buildings that know when they need to be fixed before something breaks; sensors that tell the fire department details of a fire before they receive the emergency phone call; smart water and sewage systems that filter and recycle water. . . See the modern city as it will be in 5 years time as foreseen [...]

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Dawn of the Kill-Bots: the Conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Arming of AI (part 4)

by Socrates

Part 4: Military Turing Test — Can robots commit war-crimes? Now that we have identified the trend of moving military robots to the forefront of military action from their current largely secondary and supportive role to becoming a primary direct participant or (as Foster-Miller proudly calls its MAARS bots) “war fighters” we have to also [...]

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Dawn of the Kill-Bots: the Conficts in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Arming of AI (part 2)

by Socrates

Part 2: The Past — Robot Etymology, Brief History and Military Classification Contrary to what popular intuition may dictate the idea of thinking machines or artificial beings has existed for millennia. Some of the first examples can be found in the ancient Greek myths and legends such as the bronze giant Talos of Crete and [...]

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Dawn of the Kill-Bots: the Conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Arming of AI (part 1)

by Socrates
Thumbnail image for Dawn of the Kill-Bots: the Conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Arming of AI (part 1)

Warfare, while seemingly the opposite of large scale industrial production, in so far as it is usually perceived to be large scale destruction, exhibits most if not all of the main characteristics of the capitalist mode of production. Features such as specialization, personal discipline within an ethos of team spirit, standardization of procedures, processes and [...]

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TIME’s Top Ten Gadgets of 2009

by Socrates

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The 50 Best Inventions of 2009

by Socrates

From a rocket of the future to a $10 million light bulb. Here are TIME Magazine’s picks for the best new gadgets and breakthrough ideas of the year: According to TIME Magazine NASA’s Ares Rocket is the number 1 best invention of 2009. Here is why: Did you like the best inventions? Great! But you [...]

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Robo Library

by Socrates

The British Library gets robotized. Reuters Television has an exclusive first look at the high-density, oxygen-controlled facility built to house seven million items from the UK’s national library’s collection.

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Smart Contact Lenses and Artificial Retinas

by Socrates

In the last few years Genetics, Robotics and Nanotechnologies have all become Information Technologies and are often quoted as singularity precursors. Vernor Vinge’s sci fi novel Rainbows End, set in what he calls “a slow take-off” pre-singularity period, describes wearable computers and smart contact lens technology for augmented reality. But is this science fiction? Is [...]

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