9,223,372,036,854,775,808 I used my computer calculator 'cause my regular one is too small. I counted the number of square's (64) and doubled the number's 64 times!
Comments for i know the number on the 64th square!
Thank you for your Contribution Jonah by: Socrates
Great job in calculating the number!
Now that you have written it the question is:
"Can we read this number?" ;-)
The number on the 64th square by: Jason
... is 2^64, which equals 18,446,744,073,709,551,616, as mentioned in the article. Sorry Jonah.
Correction ... by: Anonymous
The number on the 64th square is 2^63, not 2^64 Why? Because there was 1 grain on the first, 2 on the second, 4 on the third i.e. 2^0, 2^1, 2^2
That being said it is still one enormous amount of rice!!
Total amount of Rice by: Matt
The total amount of rice on the board is equal to 2^64 - 1
Jonah is correct by: Ghimfella
Raising two to the power of 64 would be correct if the first square had two grains of rice.
The person who compiled this page is using the wrong assumption, and not looking carefully at the chart he or she has copied and pasted. The twentieth square on the charted chessboard has roughly half a million grains, not a million as claimed.
Square by: Anonymous
I live in 65th square
The number on the 64th square by: Anonymous
The number is: 9,223,372,036,854,780,000 not: 9,223,372,036,854,775,808