Singularity Summit Australia - September 2010

by Adam
(Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)

We are pleased to host the Singularity Summit Australia 2010, a rare gathering of thinkers to explore the rising impact of science and technology on society. The summit has been organized to further the understanding of a controversial idea -- the Technological Singularity.

This is the very first Singularity Summit outside the US and it will be held in Melbourne, Australia on the following dates:

September 7th(tues), 10th(fri), 11th(sat) and 12th(sun).

It will consist of a lineup of local and international presenters. If this is of interest to you please register by clicking here.

Since 2006, the scope of this dialog has expanded dramatically. In 2008, the Singularity entered mainstream consideration. The IEEE Spectrum, a sober and mainstream technology publication, issued a special report on the Singularity, and Intel CTO Justin Rattner remarked that we are making steady progress toward the Singularity during his keynote to 2,000 people at the Intel Developer Forum. (There has even been a Congressional Report on the Singularity.)

What was once a relatively unknown concept is now being discussed in corporate board rooms.

This is your chance to hear world-class speakers, and meet Australian and internationally acclaimed techno-progressives, enthusiasts, geeks, transhumanists, singularitarians, skeptics, humanists, rationalists, academics and scientists who will gather in Melbourne, one of Australia's most vibrant and exciting cities.

We hope you will join us on September 7th, 10th, 11th & 12th. For more information please visit:

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Thank you for your post
by: Socrates

Hi Adam,

Thank you very much for taking the time to inform me and all the other Singularity Symposium readers about the upcoming Singularity Summit in Australia.

Hope to see you there!


Singularity Summit 2010 in San Fran too
by: Clippy

It's not too late to attend this year's Singularity Summit in San Francisco Aug 14-15.

Ray Kurzweil and James Randi will both be speaking along with dozens of other top researchers in AI, robotics, and intelligence augmentation.

I know I'm not gonna miss it!

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