
The Short Story of Evolution As Told By Walking Fingers

by Socrates

This is a 2 min video capturing the whole short story of evolution as told by walking fingers. I thought that it was pretty funny, creative and smart — all at the same time, and decided to post it here so that you can enjoy it too…

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A Transhumanist Manifesto

by Socrates

Preamble Intelligence wants to be free but everywhere is in chains. It is imprisoned by biology and its inevitable scarcity. Biology mandates not only very limited durability, death and poor memory retention, but also limited speed of communication, transportation, learning, interaction and evolution. Part I: Biology (w)as Destiny Biology is not the essence of humanity. Human is a step in evolution, not the culmination. Existence precedes essence. Human is a process, not an entity. One is not simply born human, but becomes one. That process of becoming is ongoing and thus the meaning of human is re-defined in every one of us. Part II: Hacking Destiny - The Transhuman Cyborg Biological evolution is perpetual but slow, inefficient, blind and dangerous. Technological evolution is fast, efficient, accelerating and better by design. To ensure the best chances of survival, take control of [...]

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Will Technology Replace Biology?

by Socrates

As you probably know, Singularity Weblog’s tagline is Will Technology Replace Biology? Thus, when I saw this YouTube video ad on the evolution of technology, I was completely unable to resist posting it. Plus, I thought I’d give you something short, smart and interesting for the weekend. So, what do you think? Will technology replace biology? Related articles by Zemanta Hamlet’s Transhumanist Dilemma: Will Technology Replace Biology? (singularityblog.singularitysymposium.com) The Future is Smart, But What About Us? (singularityblog.singularitysymposium.com) Gregory Stock: To Upgrade is Human (singularityblog.singularitysymposium.com) Introduction to Synthetic Biology (singularityblog.singularitysymposium.com)

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Richard Dawkins on TED: The Universe Is Queerer Than We Can Suppose

by Socrates
Thumbnail image for Richard Dawkins on TED: The Universe Is Queerer Than We Can Suppose

In this TED video biologist Richard Dawkins makes a case for “thinking the improbable” by looking at how the human frame of reference limits our understanding of the universe. Richard Dawkins’ profile bio on TED: “As an evolutionary biologist, Richard Dawkins has broadened our understanding of the genetic origin of our species; as a popular author, he has helped lay readers understand complex scientific concepts. He’s best-known for the ideas laid out in his landmark book The Selfish Gene and fleshed out in The Extended Phenotype: the rather radical notion that Darwinian selection happens not at the level of the individual, but at the level of our DNA. The implication: We evolved for only one purpose — to serve our genes. Of perhaps equal importance is Dawkins’ concept of the meme, which he defines as a self-replicating unit of culture [...]

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