Automated machines, intelligent software and robots are all playing greater and greater role in our society - they play games with us, clean our floors, connect our phone calls, tell us where we are and how to get where we want to be. Soon enough they will drive our cars, teach our kids, grow all of our food, provide care for the sick and the elderly, guard us when we sleep and fight in our wars. At least in theory, there is hardly anything at which humans are likely to retain their superiority forever.
Optimists, such as Ray Kurzweil and Kevin Warwick believe that robotics is one of the 3 super technologies (the other 2 being nanotechnology and genetics) that could enhance out intelligence, improve our physical capabilities and eventually even bring about immortality.
On the other hand, pessimists such as Samuel Butler and Ted Kaczynski have warned us that the joke could be on the human race?
Check out this video from the Onion News Network. I think that it is as hilarious as it is witty… but the real question is:
Is this just funny or is it also serious?
Are you a pessimist or an optimist?

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