Get A Free Singularity Book: Accelerando by Charles Stross

by Socrates on June 11, 2010 · View Comments

One of my very favorite all time singularity science fiction novels is Charles StrossAccelerando.

I have rarely read a book with such a broad plot horizon (spaning time and space across the whole universe), with such a dazzling imagination (fed by the latest and greatest bleeding edge of science and science fiction), and with such deep implications for the whole of humanity.

It was for the above reasons that I gave the book a 10 out of 10 rating here

I first read the book from the library and then decided to buy a copy for myself. It is money well spent and I recomend to all my friends that they buy and read it. Amazingly, I recently discovered that you can also get the book for free under a creative commons license. If you prefer to do that click the link below:

Get a free copy of Accelerando

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